תגית: Shlach

The taste of Shabbat – Shlach 5778

The taste of Shabbat – Shlach 5778 Rav Mordechai Elon It looks like a repeat of a story we know well, but this time Hashem tells Moshe that enough is enough: עַד אָָּ֥נָה יְנֶַּֽאֲ צ֖נִי הָעִָ֣ם הַ זֶׁ֑ה וְעַד אָָ֨נָה֙ לֶּֽ א יַאֲמִִ֣ינוּ בִָ֔י…… Continue Reading “The taste of Shabbat – Shlach 5778”

הרב אלון שליט"א
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